Monday, June 8, 2009

Common Sense...

Funny thing about me.. I am not often thought of as the poster child for rational ideas and strategically aligned and consecutive thought patterns...Yet, I am struggling with the insanity of our world and the total lack of common sense rational use of brain tissue of society....

I just finished reading about a town in California that is now criminalizing banks for the blight of homes that have been foreclosed upon and now sit abandoned in high priced neighborhoods with lawns over grown, and pools filled with breeding ponds of yuck.. The author interviewed a well meaning town spokesperson who stated that by "criminalizing" the situation they are finally getting the banks attention and getting things fixed in these homes..


How incredibly pathetic for all involved...and you and I my friends continue to pay for this lunacy..

I don't care how you feel about home foreclosure and banks..the bottom line is that no one wants to be accountable, and no one again desires to sit down and "Problem Solve" this situation for America..Some of us feel that home owners who got in over their heads or lost their jobs should have some type of accountability for their choices. Others of us feel that the banks shouldn't have loaned the money in the first place..

Irregardless..looking back we are all responsible..and now those of us still working, still paying taxes and living in our own devalued and over priced homes will continue to pay for the attempts to correct the problem..and the attempts thus far have been fruitless bureaucratic tax wrought nightmares of increasing regulation and little result..

Solution that seems so simple yet not given? Let the original home owner live in the home and maintain the home with a monthly check system to verify that the home is being maintained while it is placed on the for sale market. Have the homeowner sign a lease with legal ramifications for damages or disrepair that occurs while they legally "squat" in their homes. Place the criminal action on the home owner but give them a cheap place to live with their family while they try to redefine their lives...

As a neighbor, I keep my neighbors and know that the home will be in the same shape it has always been in. For the home owner, they can allow their children to stay in school, and not panic about loss of home along with loss of job while they start at ground zero and over with their lives. For the banks, the home is maintained, utilities remain on and the devaluation risks diminish from a home being occupied rather then vacant and unkempt..For you and I as tax payers..the entire situation sucks..but at least in this scenario our neighborhoods should cease to look like wastelands and the banks decreased loss should help us or our children in the future financially..

But again..common sense does not exist in the vocabulary of society..I wonder if Webster even has it in the book any longer?

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