Sunday, October 21, 2007

Goal Realized...

As I sit here; my feet, legs and back are screaming in agony...But it is a good agony. Yours truly finished her first half marathon(13.1 miles!) today at the age of 39.11 months...Yes it is a goal realized.

No I did not run it, I walked it with the encouragement/companionship of a peer/coworker who has completed several of these as a walker. When I say walk, do not picture a leisurely stroll..No it is a timed event, and we averaged a 16.38 mile. It does not seem like much, but to me, it is a goal that I never thought would be met..

As I reflect on the past 10 years of change and growth in my life, exercise and getting healthy were not high on the list until the past two/three years. As I have lost weight, and started exercising, the thought about doing something like this was in the back of my mind, but it took someone to be persistently annoying and encouraging to first adopt it as a goal, and then to continue encouraging me to seek and desire it for myself.

Now I have not only pain, but I also have the medal proving "I did it" and knowledge that I completed an idea from start to finish and can cross this goal off my list of things to get done in my lifetime. The other interesting thought that comes from this; is that I don't think it will be my last...I think the experience is something I will seek out/train for harder next time. The other irony of goals realized..."So I did this now how can I do it better?"

I think these personal principles apply so aptly to what I am desiring as a leader for my staff, peers and elders. It is time for some personal pain, sweat and tears to get the goals we have, achieved.

Another analogy to use as a talking point for my managers and staff. What goals do they have, personal/professional that they would like me or someone to be persistently annoying and encouraging about for them? Personal goals will remain a secret personal goal until you share it with others..The cool thing about sharing is that now you are held to level of accountability to see your goal come to fruition. The downside is that you are now held to a level of accountability to see your goal come to fruition. There is a risk in the sharing...the paradox of sharing as I call it.

Is it worth the risk to share? Yes, it makes us human, and it makes us stronger achievers...If I had just listened to this specific peer talk about her walking, instead of saying, "you know,I think I would like to try that" one time; my Sunday would have been spent not in pain! But isn't the emotional pain of having goals and ideas that you don't share, more difficult then the physical pain of seeing your goal/idea realized?

Think about that..I am now off to pack for a week of training in Texas. Another goal that I have wanted for two years...I am sure it will make great discussion for my next blog.

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